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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Away for fun

Its strange – most people I know take a break for blogging when they’re too busy I’m diametrically opposite – I tend to stop blogging when I’ve been having a lot of fun. Maybe a bit too much fun for my own good. I went to L Subramanian’s concert yesterday. It was a breathtaking experience. […]

Is this what I’ve signed up for?

Hong Kong

Landing involves narrowly missing diving into the sea. Nobody stands still on airport walkalators. Nobody. Taxi (and bus) drivers seem to sincerely believe they’re training for the Formula 1. The place is a sensory invasion. Signs, signs, and more signs. Nearly every tall commericial building has blinking lights surrounding it. If you’re on the road, […]

Three cheers for GMail web chat

It seems to be working just fine! And the day it was added to my account – today – I was able to find a use for it too… chatted with a friend right from the airpot. The interface is simple and great – as usual for Google! Now, if only they could beef up […]

Linux rants

Linux is fun. Lots of fun. Except when you install it on bleeding edge hardware. Then, its a solid pain in the neck. Not often you hear me complain about Linux, but this has been a real tough nut to crack. So I got hyper excited when I was given charge of a brand-new dual-core […]

GMail offers web chat

The service isn’t working yet… but its being rolled out. Here’s a screenshot of what I get so far.

Truth can be stranger than fiction

I ran across a headline on Ars Technica that said Microsoft’s alternative to US$100 laptop: the cell phone. My initial response to the article was to laugh out loud and wonder whether it would come with a free magnifying glass to see what would probably be the 160×120 pixel screen, with a 6×4 icon that […]

Six IITians start Paritrana

It’s heartening to see young people in India starting a political party. Much of the problems of the Indian political scene – we feel – is due to lack of involvement of new ideas from the younger generation. Lets hope Paritrana can fill the gap. I’m impressed by the party’s ideology, which is based on […]

Star Wars – Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader, by James Luceno

Couldn’t resist the title and the cover – I bought this book soon after I returned from my trip to India. The story starts just after Episode III ends. Overall, its just about a decent book. Revenge of the Sith (the book) has seriously raised both the writing standards of Star Wars Literature as well […]

Jai Hind!

Wishing all Indians a very Happy Republic Day. This and other snaps from today’s celebrations at the Indian High Commission are here. The poster was created using fd’s Flickr Toys.